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Would You Like To Speak And Write Solid English

Why Do You Need English? 

We do not need to tell you how important it is to learn English, the list of reasons is limitless and you know it. However, let us give here just a few:


  1. You will shine in your Work.

  2. You will speed up your Career.

  3. You will connect with the best professionals across the globe.

  4. You will learn online the most advanced things in your Work and Life.

  5. You will find the best information so quickly online by using the right keywords. 


In brief, English is the main language of the digital world and that is where all of us get information and do most things. 

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The Fujn English Program

Program Overview:

  • 8 months of learning to get you fully ready.

  • Program focused on proper professional speaking and writing.

  • 4 hours a week of self study online from a top American instructor and native English speaker.

  • 1 hour a week of live interaction with an American native English speaker Course Facilitator and with your peers.

  • Unlimited Q&A with your instructors and peers.

  • Certificate of English proficiency at the end of the program. 

Program Content: 

  • 15 Courses in total.

  • 160 hours of online self-study.

  • 32 hours of live interaction in English with a native speaker.

  • Courses cover speaking skills, pronunciation, grammar, syntax, presentation skills, expressions, slang, idioms, work used English, English for travel….


Program Delivery:

  • Courses are provided online in a self study mode following a schedule described in a syllabus.

  • Each week a Zoom live session covers the previous week self study course content. 

  • You will join a cohort with both a start and end date. 

Contact Us For More Info

We will email you more details about the program.

Thank you for your interest!

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